Tried two other knee pad brands and they only lasted a few weeks. They also needed to constantly be adjusted in game and never felt comfortable.
Base Kneepads are amazing. I rarely need to adjust them while playing, they mould to my knee, provide unbelievable impact support and are very comfortable.
Both my young basketballers love these knee pads. The added protection when diving on a loose ball knowing you won't get court burn. And such good sizing for skinny little legs!
I’ve been plague with debilitating epicondylitis (tennis elbow) for some months, preventing my return to regular pickleball. These Base Compression sleeves have been a saviour. Back pickleballing again! And I’m 83! Also appreciated, and valued, the ever-available assistance and guidance provided via the “Chat” access manned by Base Compression Director himself. Thank you, Roger.
These have helped my son with a knee injury for basketball